1. The channel has been producing videos for eight years. Skim the video names and note any trends you see. In your blog post, please comment on why you think these trends are present.
- Based of the names of the videos, some of the trends that I noticed were slums, demolition of existing structures, police, youth and girls. The issue about slums is relevant because the slums are an important factor in the Kibera community. Aside from being on of the first places to be neglected when mapping, the people and resources offered in the slums re also do not get enough attention. Demolition is a present in Kibera because it is something that Kibera residents wake up to frequently. It effect the community and the infrastructure of Kibera when railways and other public structures are demolished. This impacts residents whether it be in their daily commute or where they work. There are a couple videos dealing with police, and this is present due the increased police brutality that we see in Kibera as well as around the world. Police are not being held accountable and because there are a lot of slums in Kibera, the police are more prone to use violence. Lastly, there are a few video that are centered around the youth and girls because Map Kibera is actively seeking to give young people the opportunity to a better education.
2. Choose 2 or more videos on the KNN channel and watch them. (Some relevant videos might include Innovation for Security in Kibera, The Plight of Disability in Kibera, Is Kibera Kind Place?, Youth Mappers Map Mthare, and Map Kibera Trains Moi University). Prepare 1-2 questions for Joshua Ogure regarding his work at the intersection of diversity and technology.
Question 1: When did you notice that you wanted Map Kibera to be more than just putting your community on the map?
- How important is it to connect with the community members personally?
- Question 2: Did you anticipate Map Kibera opening so many doors for opportunity in technological growth?
- The youtube channel in itself uses technology through social media to bring awareness to a marginalized group of people that we otherwise would have no idea about.